Alexander K. Cox Speaks to Fairview High School Students

Alexander K. Cox, an associate in our Litigation group, will speak to Fairview High School students during a Current Events/Intro to Law Class on Friday, February 10.
He will discuss his background and education, types of cases our firm typically covers, and more.
Knox Law participates in similar speaking engagements several times each year through our participation with Career Street, a "comprehensive career exploration and planning program linking businesses, nonprofit organizations, and schools to create and share experiences for students to job shadow, intern, tour companies, benefit from class speakers, and participate in career workshops and fairs."
At Knox Law, Mr. Cox is a full-time litigator with experience representing commercial enterprises in a variety of areas, including contractual disputes, labor and employment litigation, intellectual property, class actions, administrative and regulatory matters, constitutional law, and appellate practice.
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.