Attorneys Wassell and Gornall Speak at PSBA Events

Attorneys Mark Wasselland Jennifer Gornall speak this week at the School Leadership Conference, co-hosted by Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) and Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA).
Attorney Wassell speaks at the School Law Workshop on Wednesday, October 17, addressing "Interrelationship Between the ADA, the FMLA, and the Workers' Compensation Law" to school district solicitors and other legal representatives.
Attorney Gornall will join Mr. Wassell on Thursday, October 18 to address "The #MeToo Movement and Sexual Harassment in the School Setting" to school board representatives, school district administrators, and others.
At Knox Law, Attorney Wassell counsels and defends employers, including several school districts and intermediate units, in all aspects of labor and employment law. His practice includes hiring and termination issues, claims of discrimination and harassment, drug testing, employee handbooks, employment and severance agreements, grievance arbitration, and collective bargaining.
Attorney Gornall practices local governmental law, with a specific focus on education and special education law. She represents many school districts in the northwest Pennsylvania region in the capacity of general solicitor and also as special counsel for special education matters or other specific projects. She has experience in a wide range of school issues such as student discipline matters including expulsion procedures, hearings and student discipline policy drafting; student records and privacy issues; public meeting procedures; constitutional issues affecting students; public records and ethics laws; transportation contracts; construction building projects; and many other procedural and legal issues that confront both school district administrations and boards of directors.
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.