Jennifer E. Gornall & Julia M. Herzing Speak about Clearances and Child Abuse Reporting for Schools

Jennifer E. Gornall and Julia M. Herzing will speak at Knox Law's Lunch & Learn tomorrow, October 8, 2015. Attendees from school districts throughout our region will learn about updates on child abuse reporting & investigations and clearance requirements.
Recent changes in the Child Protective Services Law are resulting in more child abuse complaints involving school district employees. Attorneys Gornall and Herzing will join Amy E. Jones, Esq., Senior Solicitor for the Erie County Office of Children and Youth for a collaborative discussion about why there is a rise in these types of complaints, how OCY is required to respond, and suggested best practices for school districts during these investigations.
The presentation will also update the attendees on the most recent changes to background check/clearance requirements passed in July 2015.
Ms. Gornall practices local governmental law, with a specific focus on education and special education law. She represents many school districts in the northwest Pennsylvania region in the capacity of general solicitor and also as special counsel for special education matters or other specific projects.
Ms. Herzing, who also spoke on this topic at the firm's Municipal Law Symposium in April and the recent Long-Term Care Law Seminar hosted by Healthcare Ventures Alliance, focuses her practice on a variety of labor & employment matters, including litigation.
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.