Julia Herzing Speaks at HRMA Monthly Meeting on Local Law Updates

Julia Herzing, Shareholder at Knox Law, speaks tomorrow, September 27 at the monthly meeting of the Human Resource Management Association of Northwest PA (HRMA).
Her topic is "Local Law Update: Ban the Box and Beyond" and will include recent amendments to the Erie County Human Relations Ordinance and similar developments elsewhere. She will discuss the “ban the box” trend, prohibiting questions about criminal history on employment applications and limiting employers’ use of criminal history information in the hiring process, as well as other expansions to protected characteristics at the local level for EEO purposes, including gender identity.
At Knox Law, Attorney Herzing’s practice focuses on a variety of labor & employment matters, including litigation. She works with both private and public employers, counseling and representing clients on compliance with workplace laws, hiring and firing issues, collective bargaining, and defense of discrimination, wage and hour, and other employment-related claims. Ms. Herzing also advises public and private educational institutions on Title IX matters, including investigations and responding to complaints.
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.