Lawyers Associated Worldwide Announces New Officers

Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW), of which Knox Law is a member, issued the following press release:
Legal Network Elects New Chair and Vice Chair for Two-year Terms and Names Treasurer for the International Legal Network
Denver, Colorado, USA (11 January 2019)– Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW) begins 2019 with three new officers. LAW elected Swiss attorney Marc Grüninger, M.C.J. as chair of the Executive Committee and Australian attorney Leon Loganathan as vice chair to serve two-year terms for the international legal network. The election was held at the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Bangkok, Thailand on 3 November 2018. As a result of his election to vice chair, the office of treasurer became vacant. In December, meeting in London, England, UK, the Executive Committee named Danish attorney Anders Stoltenberg as treasurer to serve until the 2019 AGM in Munich, Germany. LAW is a global association of more than 100 independent law firms located in over 50 countries. With access to 4000 lawyers worldwide, membership in LAW allows member firms to service the legal needs of clients that are expanding their operations and relationships into new domestic and foreign markets.
Mr. Grüninger is partner at the law firm of GHR Rechtsanwälte in Zurich, Switzerland. He previously served as the LAW vice chair from 2016 until his election in Bangkok in November. During that time, he served as the network’s recruiting chair, where he assisted in growing the network to its current 101 members. Prior to his service as vice chair, he also served over the years as LAW’s Executive Committee secretary, treasurer and a regional representative for the Europe, Africa & Middle East Region.
Mr. Loganathan is partner at the law firm of Ward Keller in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. He previously served on the LAW Executive Committee as regional representative for the Asia Pacific Region and, most recently, as the network’s treasurer.
Mr. Stoltenberg is a partner at the law firm of Moltke-Leth Advokater in Copenhagen, Denmark. He previously served on the LAW Executive Committee as an elected regional representative for the Europe, Africa & Middle East Region.
“It is a pleasure to be serving under the direction of these officers. I am excited to see where we, together, will take this organization over the next couple of years. – Lorri Salyards, CLM, Executive Director.”
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.