Mark A. Denlinger, Chairman of DevelopErie, Speaks at Annual Awards Dinner

Mark A. Denlinger was recently named Board Chair of DevelopErie, formerly known as Economic Development Corporation of Erie County. As part of this role, he will speak at tomorrow evening’s Annual Awards Dinner. DevelopErie will unveil the 2014 Erie County Employer of the Year at the event, which is being held at the Bayfront Convention Center.
DevelopErie “serves as the lead economic development agency for the Erie, Pennsylvania region. DevelopErie is a private-public partnership comprising seven organizations with one staff and one mission to develop our region’s economy and increase our region’s prosperity."
Another Knox attorney, Thomas C. Hoffman, II, was recently appointed to the Board of the Greater Erie Industrial Development Corporation (GEIDC), DevelopErie’s major affiliate.
At Knox, Mr. Denlinger concentrates his practice in the areas of business, commercial and tax law, with a special emphasis on health law and the healthcare industry. He regularly speaks on commercial law topics to local businesses, healthcare institutions and nonprofit leaders.
For more information, please contact Sarah Holland.